Flora Shadd

Flora Shadd

Passionate beer nerd. Unapologetic twitter maven. Freelance web buff. Lifelong beer fan. Hipster-friendly beer lover.

9 Total Articles
Which states have no sales tax on gold and silver?

Which states have no sales tax on gold and silver?

The only states that are still alive pay taxes on the sale of precious metals. To date, 41 states have eliminated sales...

Do you pay tax on selling gold?

Do you pay tax on selling gold?

This is called capital gains tax. And since gold is an investment asset, when you sell your gold and make a profit, it's...

How can i sell gold without paying taxes?

How can i sell gold without paying taxes?

Consider a 1031 bag A 1031 bag could offer you more flexibility, since it would allow you to defer the capital gains tax...

How is silver taxed when sold?

How is silver taxed when sold?

Holdings in precious metals such as gold, silver or platinum are considered capital assets and therefore capital gains...

A Beginner's Guide to Maximizing Your Retirement Savings through Gold Investments

A Beginner's Guide to Maximizing Your Retirement Savings through Gold Investments

Maximizing Your Retirement Savings: A Guide to IRA to Gold RolloverWhen you are looking to invest to retire there...

Do you have to pay tax on silver and gold?

Do you have to pay tax on silver and gold?

The tax implications of selling physical gold or silver holds in these metals, regardless of their shape, such as bullion ...